Adapt to Perform
Hi friends! Here is a YouTube page with free wheel chair fitness/workout videos. Let us know what you think! Have you tried any of these?
Hi friends! Here is a YouTube page with free wheel chair fitness/workout videos. Let us know what you think! Have you tried any of these?
Have any of you tried this before? Or are there other adaptive sports you’ve tried? Tell us more! We would love to hear from you, and any questions, suggestions, stories, or anything else you’d like to share related to adaptive sports! Go to the link below to learn more about an adaptive climbing program here…
Hello all! This is a form that one of our members created to make his life a little easier. He created this form to bring to all of his medical appointments so that the medical professional he is seeing has all the information they need. He created this blank version to share with you all, …
Live music, food truck, and raffle prizes! September 25th from 12pm – 5pm at the Liverpool Elks Lodge, 3730 Cold Springs Rd, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Fusce varius libero massa, et aliquam leo consequat at. Mauris eget ex odio.
Sed finibus augue faucibus porta fringilla. Maecenas feugiat ante et dolor sollicitudin, in sodales leo aliquet.
Mauris rhoncus dolor sagittis, accumsan mauris id, consectetur sem. Nam eu ex turpis.
Quisque porttitor bibendum leo ornare pharetra. Curabitur cursus sapien sed porta dapibus.
Curabitur pellentesque neque eget diam posuere porta. Quisque eu justo – a felis faucibus ornare ve ut nulla at nunc vehicula.
Sed molestie sollicitudin tempor. Etiam id justo in erat suscipit aliquet non id velit.